Accommodation/ Tenancy


our services

Accommodation/ Tenancy

At Reach Home and Community Care, we understand that finding suitable accommodation and managing tenancy can be challenging for individuals with disabilities. Our Accommodation/Tenancy Program is designed to provide the necessary support to help our participants achieve their housing goals and maintain their tenancy.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team can assist with a range of accommodation and tenancy related tasks, including finding suitable accommodation, navigating the tenancy process, negotiating with landlords and property managers, and providing ongoing support to maintain tenancy.

We also provide ongoing support to help participants maintain their tenancy. This includes providing assistance with paying rent, organizing repairs and maintenance, and ensuring that participants are aware of their rights and responsibilities as tenants.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with our accommodation or tenancy services.


Why choose us

Personalized Care Plans

At Reach Home and Community Care, we understand that every client is unique. That's why we work closely with each individual to develop personalized care plans that meet their specific needs and goals.

Highly Trained Professionals

Our team at Reach Home and Community Care is made up of highly trained and experienced professionals who are passionate about delivering exceptional care.

Flexibility & Affordability

We understand that the cost of care can be a concern for many individuals and families. That's why we offer a range of flexible and affordable services to meet your needs.

Commitment to Improvement

At Reach Home and Community Care, we are dedicated to providing high-quality care to our clients. We pride ourselves on our commitment to continuous improvement, and we are always looking for ways to enhance our services.